Paid Out & Refunds both refer to giving money to guest from Cash drawer.
Paid Out – When you are giving money to any room guest for any kind of requirement.
Refund – When you have to pay back the excess amount in the folio while departing or may be any other circumstances.
In both the cases money is flowing out from cashier drawer, but please do not show a petty cash entry while giving money to guest because petty cash entry do not have room number to mention whereas “Paid Out & Refunds” always needs room no. as these are related to In-house guests.
Now we will learn how to record Paid Out & Refund Voucher.
Unlike Petty Cash, Paid Out & Refund also works in two different functionalities:
- If the money is flowing out from float then it has to be received back from finance and update the Float Money.
- If the money is flowing out from the cash collection then the petty cash receipt can act as intangible cash as part of cash collection for the day.
When money goes out from cash collection.
- In Posting field select from the drop down whether the transaction is Paid Out or Refund.
- Select Room No. The list will show all the In-house Guest.
- According to the room no. selected Guest Name will appear in the next field.
- Enter the amount and write description in supplement field and click on create button.
- Similar Petty Cash, receipt will get generated after you click on create in PDF format which you can save or print for your reference.
When money goes out from Float.
- If there is no collection for the day then while creating Paid Out or Refund money goes out from Float Money.
- After clicking on create button it generates voucher as well as shows in the below grid same like what happens in Petty Cash.
- After you receive the money back from finance click on receive button . This will get added back to float amount and will not get removed from the grid.
All the above transactions will appear in the cashier report and also in Guest Folio, which is discussed in details in “Cashier Shift” menu.