AR Account module is for listing Company profile in your system and creating their individual account no. In this module you can create AR Account No. both for companies and OTAs.
In this module there are two tabs; First Tab is for creating company profile and updating their AR Account No. and second tab is for updating AR Account No. for all integrated OTAs.
Tab -1
- Click on “Create Company” button and you will find a form with two tabs in it; first tab is for entering all company details and second tab is for updating AR Account.
- First fill the company details and click on update button then click on second tab and fill all the fields those are given in this tab.
- In AR Account there are two important fields; “Credit Limit” and “Current Balance Due” . Credit limit means how much credit your property have signed with that particular company and Current Balance Due means after receiving payment from company and settle the invoice, the same amount will get minimized in this field.
Tab – 2
- In this tab click on “Create OTA Source Account” button and you will find a form where you have to select from the Source drop down that OTA whose AR Account need to be created and mention the other details present in the form.
- The field “Folio Amout” in this form will get auto updated when a folio gets settled as OTA Payment so this field does not require any manual input.
- Click on Create button to create the AR Account for OTA.
All other functionalities like Advance Search and generating reports remain same like other modules.