OTA Insights

This module is designed for maintaining all OTA accounts those are integrated in system. It calculates the Supplier and commission amount and displays here. You will also get the updated pending and unpaid commissions.

Below we will learn in details about this module.

  1. Post landing on this page, select the OTA Source for which you want to know the details.
  2. There are two tabs; “Pre-paid” & “Post Paid”
  3. For both tabs you can search the data by Year, Month, Date.
  4. Prepaid – In this tab first search by Year/Month/Date for which you want to see the bookings given by the OTA selected then on right side of the page will show you the “Supplier Amount” & “Pending Supplier Amount” according to your search input.
  5. When you receive supplier amount from OTA, select the check box of those booking for which you have received payment then click on “Receive” button at the end of page.

All steps are same for the “Post Paid” tab, only the difference is “Total Commission” and “Pending Commission” will be shown. These amounts will be auto calculated by the given search input.


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