Purchase Order

This product is to create “Purchase Order” for the vendor by the “Store Keeper”. While purchasing a product from vendor, the hotel Store Keeper need to raise a “Purchase Order”.

We will learn in the below steps how to create a “Purchase Order”:

  1. Click on “Create Purchase Order” button to raise a purchase order.
  2. A form will open with three different boxes will appear; In the first place when you select “Product Name” the price will appear in the second box that is in “Show Details”.
  3. In the third box mention the no. of Quantity that you want to place order for and the actual price of all quantity will appear in the next section that is the fourth box, named as “Actual Price”.
  4. Click on “Add” button if you want to add this product to your Purchase Order List.
  5. After adding all products to list that you want to place order for, click on “Create” button.
  6. “Purchase Order will be created with status as “Open” which means till you receive the Products this Purchase Order will remain open in your system for you to follow up with the vendor.
  7. When you receive products from vendor then click on edit button and the click on “Generate GRN” button and you will be landed in GRN module and GRN will be created for these products.
  8. When all products GRN are generated then the “Purchase Order” status will be updated as “Close”


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