Availability Chart

We have created Availability Chart for viewing the occupancy of the Hotel in both Tabular & Graphical format. This feature is used by the operational departments in scheduling their work according to the occupancy level. We have given two menus for viewing the occupancy status of your property. Under Common Tools menu name is Occupancy Forecast and under Reservation menu is named as Availability Chart.

Page description is given in details below:

  • Click on “Occupancy Forecast” under “Common Tools” or “Availability Chart” under “Reservation” menu.
  • After you click on the menu, the page will show the overall occupancy status of the property in tabular form.
  • Click on to select a particular accommodation type from the drop down list.
  • The Header of the table will tell you about the current day Occupancy %, Availability % & Total Room Revenue on the left side and on the right side date range is shown from where you can also select dates as per your requirement from the given options and click on Apply.
  • Below is the calendar with dates and days mention in the first row and accommodation type in the left side column.
  • In the below screen shot ‘O’ denotes the number of occupied rooms and ‘A’ denotes the number of availability of a particular accommodation type.
  • In this page we not only included Occupancy and Availability but we also have shown the count of Confirmed & Tentative Reservation, Out of Order & Out of Service Room and Hotel Position.
  • To view the same report in graphical format click on
  • In graphical view the occupancy and availability will show accommodation type wise.


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